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Bar Sicilia Bedda, mai nome fu più azzeccato, Emanuele vi aspetta sulla rocca di Motta Camastra per una sosta tipica nel suo bar dai sapori autoctoni, d’obbligo la visita al centro storico per una pausa caffè energizzante ed una spremuta d’arancia rinfrescante, accompagnata da un immancabile pasticcino a base di noce, frutto tipico della zona.
Thank you for checking out my listing. I am very organized and keep a very clean apartment. I love to travel, meet, and interact with new people from different parts of the world. I work in Digital & Global Ecommerce Strategy in New York City and love experincing all the great things this city has to offer, from it’s delicious and innovative restaurants and great museums, to walking home from work along the highline.